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Guy Fawkes Night Wordsearch and Anagrams

Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night and Fireworks Night is celebrated in the UK on 5th November.

It celebrates the failure of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament on November 5th 1605.

We love to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night here in the UK with a bonfire, seeing a fireworks display. But if the 5th Novemebr is cold and rainy, here are a Guy Fawkes Night wordsearch and anagram for you to puzzle out while you eat cinder toffee and a baked potato.

Damp squib? Here are the solutions to the Guy Fawkes Night Puzzles

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Guy Fawkes Night Wordsearch

Free Printable Guy Fawkes Wordsearch

Guy Fawkes Night Wordsearch

These puzzle pages are in PDF format and can be downloaded so tha you can print them off.

UK Baby Freebies

Guy Fawkes Night Anagrams

Free Printable Guy Fawkes Anagrams

Guy Fawkes Night Anagrams

More Fireworks Night Fun
