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Guy Fawkes Night Crafts For Kids

Guy Fawkes Night (Bonfire Night)

Image Credit: Vadim Sadovski

Guy Fawkes Night, sometimes called Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night, is celebrated on November 5th in the UK. It commemorates the failure of Guido (Guy) Fawkes and a group of Catholic co-conspiritors to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London, killing the Protestant King James I and many of his supporters.

How typically British to celebrate a failure! The scheme, which took place in 1605, became known as the Gunpowder Plot, King James lived and Guy Fawkes and his fellow plotters were sentenced to death.

So every November the fifth we celebrate Guy Fawkes Night by letting off fireworks, lighting a bonfire and burning an effigy, called a Guy. It may simply represent Guy Fawkes himself, or that year's most unpopular person.

If you don't fancy hanging around outside in the cold watching fireworks, or getting smoky watching a bonfire, how about trying these fun craft ideas for Guy Fawkes night, with crafty fireworks, bonfires and lots of fun Fireworks themed recipe ideas for your Bonfire Night party.

Guy Fawkes Night Crafts For Kids

Guy Fawkes Night Craft Ideas

Stay home, stay safe and warm and celebrate Bonfire night with some fun craft activities, of fireworks and bonfires.

Fireworks Scratch Art

Have some retro fun with this scratch paper firework art project, with instructions on how to make your own scratch paper too.

Bonfire Collage Craft

Bring the bonfire indoors safely with this lovely campfire craft. It uses tissue paper and real twigs.

Rice Bonfire Art

This unusual bonfire craft uses coloured rice and colourful craft lolly sticks. Paint your bonfire design in clear glue and stick a collection of fire-coloured rice to the paper.

Houses of Parliament Fireworks Collage

Love the way this firework artwork uses the Houses of Parliament as a feature.

Toilet Roll Space Rockets

These rockets use a recycler's favourite - toilet rolls. These could be painted or covered in coloured paper as shown here.

Guy Fawkes Night Printables

Guy Fawkes Night Colouring Pictures

eParenting's Guy Fawkes Night Colouring Pictures are free to download and print off.

Guy Fawkes Night Wordsearch

Puzzle fans will love this free printable Guy Fawkes Night Wordsearch.

Firework Party Food Ideas

Whether you are having a Guy Fawkes Night themed party or just need to warm up after you have been out watching your local firework display, these recipes would be the perfect things to tuck into to get you warmed up.

Firework Cookies

These spectacular Firework Cookies look delicious, and the presentation is perfect.

Sizzling Sausage Rockets

Oh my, these Sizzling Sausage Rockets are the safest type of 'bangers' to have on fireworks night. I love the colourful points made from red and yellow peppers.

Marshmallow Sparklers

These tasty Marshmallow "Sparklers" look delicious, and are perfect for eating with gloves on if the night is chilly.

More Fireworks Cookies

These fun fireworks cookies will taste even better after an afternoon spent decorating them. Yum!

Please Stay Safe on Bonfire Night

Excellent advice on this printable firework safety poster.

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