eParenting is a magazine website for parents. It incorporates articles and information for parents.
It is written to give help, advice and information striking a balance between being both informative and entertaining.
You should always consult a health or other professional about any matters of concern about your child. Unless ontherwise stated the articles on eParenting are written from personal experience and do not constitute qualified medical or expert advice.
We also only include links to useful, informative websites. All the websites included in eParenting are reviewed for their relevence, and quality of information.
If you would like a child friendly event featured on one of our pages, please contact us with details at least four weeks before the event takes place.
eParenting is created by Jacqui O'Brien who started it in 2004 when her two boys were very young. They are somewhat older now, but being a big kid she still loves writing about childrens events, toys, crafts and creating fun printables.
eParenting offers advice only and is no substitute for proper medical attention. You should always contact your GP, doctor, consultant, health visitor or midwife if you have any medical concerns about yourself or your child.
eParenting cannot be held responsible for any content once this site has been left.
Should you attempt to purchase any product as a result of following a link from this site, we cannot be held liable under any circumstance for the goods, services or information you contract to buy. Nor can we be held responsible for refunds or bad debt.