Reading is vitally important, and fostering a love of books gives a child a gift that they can enjoy for life.
10 Childrens Books About Amazing, Strong and Brilliant Women
If you would like your kids to learn more about amazing, brave and inspirational women, here are some brilliant books which tell the story of these women.
The date for World Book Day 2025 has been revealed.
Face Painting Ideas For World Book Day
Quick face painting ideas for book characters - perfect for World Book Day Costumes
10 Books About Rabbits for Children
10 Classic childrens books about rabbits, perfect for Easter - or any time!
Do you have a kid who is a reluctant reader? Here is how to encourage reluctant readers to read with tips and strategies for persuading children to pick up a book and enjoy reading.
10 Best Classic Christmas Books For Children
Share the joy of Christmas with a selection of Christmas books for children. Some are xmas classics from Charles Dickens and J.R.R Tolkein, while some are a new twist on the usual festive themes from Raymond Briggs and Rod Campbell.
10 Awesome Books To Read To Your Children
(when you are done with Harry Potter and Narnia)