Image Credit: Edson Rosas
This wordsearch includes 24 words about VE Day 80th Anniversary.
The 80th Anniversary of Victory in Europe, VE Day will be celebrated on Thursday 8th May 2025. This will be a "shared moment of celebration" across the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK overseas territories.
These printables are free for personal, non-profit and educational use. Please feel free to use them as part of your celebrations in schools, clubs, nursing homes, community centres, places of worship and of course at home or for your street party.
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Can you find the VE Day 80th Anniversary words hidden in this puzzle?
Can you find the words related to VE Day 80th Anniversary in this puzzle?
If you are stuck with these puzzles here are the solutions to this VE Day 80th Anniversary Puzzle on this website.
You may also like to try this VE Day 80 Colouring Picture which is free for you to use for your VE Day 80 celebrations as well.