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Mars Needs Moms Colouring Pages And Printables

Mars Needs Moms

Do you love the 2011 Disney Sci-Fi movie Mars Needs Moms? The movie has aquired something of a cult following since it's release. Based on the novel of the same name by Berkeley Breathed

Nine-year-old Milo (voiced by Seth Green) finds out just how much he needs his mom (Joan Cusack) when she’s nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her 'mom-ness' for their own young.

Produced by the team behind A Christmas Carol and The Polar Express, Mars Needs Moms showcases Milo’s quest to save his mom—a wild adventure in 3D that involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader (Mindy Sterling).

With the help of a tech-savvy, underground earthman named Gribble (Dan Fogler) and a rebel Martian girl called Ki (Elisabeth Harnois), Milo just might find his way back to his mom—in more ways than one.

Mars Needs Moms printables

Here are some fun Mars Needs Moms printables - wordsearches, colouring pages and more!

Mars Needs Moms ColouringMars Needs Moms Colouring

Mars Needs Moms Colouring

Colour in Ki!

Mars Needs Moms Wordsearch

Mars Needs Moms Wordsearch

Mars Needs Moms Wordsearch

Find the words related to the movie Mars Needs Moms in this puzzle.

Mars Needs Moms Spot The Difference Puzzle

Mars Needs Moms Spot The Difference Puzzle

Mars Needs Moms Spot The Difference Puzzle

Find as many differences between the pictures as you can.

Mars Needs Moms Martian Moods Puzzle

Mars Needs Moms Martian Moods Puzzle

Mars Needs Moms Martian Moods Puzzle

Can you guess how Ki the Martian is feeling from his facial expression!?

Mars Needs Moms Out Of This World Recipes

>Mars Needs Moms Out Of This World Recipes

Mars Needs Moms Out Of This World Recipes

Cook up Milo's Mas, Kat's Puur-fect Brocolli Casserole and Ki's Christmas Holly Treats.

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