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Batman Printable Wordsearch

Batman Printable Wordsearch

Image Credit: Studbee/eParenting

Batman is one of the most popular superheroes. Originally appearing in DC Comics, he has been made into cartoons, TV shows, live action movies and even had a LEGO movie of his own!

Can you find all the words in this puzzle about the Caped Crusader? Let's get down to Gotham City, watch out for the Bat Signal and get solving this puzzle!

These printable PDF wordsearches are free for personal and educational use only. They are not to be copied, reproduced, sold or distributed without prior permission of eParenting.

Batman Word Search

Can you find the words related to Batman which are hidden in this puzzle?

Batman Word Search

Batman Word Search

If you are stuck with this wordsearch, here is the solution to this Batman Puzzle on this website.

If you loved the LEGO Batman Movie, here are some LEGO Batman Printables, including colouring pictures, puzzles and instructions on how to make your own Bat Signal.

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