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Knitting For Charity Free Patterns

Knitting For Charity - Free Patterns

Image Credit: © eParenting.co.uk

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If you are an enthusiastic knitter you will be pleased to know that you can help people with your favourite hobby - by knitting for charity.

You will love the chance to use your knitting (or crochet or sewing) skill to help a charity, a good cause or for hospitals, particularly making clothing, toys and blankets for premature babies.

Lots of the charities which need your knitted items provide free patterns for the clothing, toys and blankets that they need you to knit for them. This helps the charity; you can knit them the exact item that they need and you know that you are giving them the exact knitted item that they need!

Knitting For Charity - Free Patterns

Before you start knitting for any charity do please always check the latest information and confirm that they can use the item that you need.

Free Knitting Patterns For Charity

If you want some more ideas for things to knit for charity here are 7 Superfast Things To Knit In An Evening For Charity.

More Knitting!

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