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How To Get Your Kids To Do Their Homework Without A Battle

Child doing homework

Image Credit: Annie Spratt

Once the novelty of returning to school has worn off and the reality of homework sets in, there are few parents who haven’t experienced the trials and tribulations of making sure the kids’ homework is completed and handed in on time. Those who haven’t are the lucky minority.

So why do many children turn into teenage stereotypes with drooping shoulders and huffs and puffs as soon as their parents dare to utter the words....."Time to do your homework"....and is there anything we can do as parents to ease the pain (ours and theirs!)?

Parent Support Adviser Ann Beck tells us how, in the course of her work with both children and adults, she advises on how to call a ceasefire in the homework wars.

For countless children homework is an inconvenience interrupting tv viewing time, electronic games or playing out time, after spending a whole day at school conforming and exercising their brains they’ve had enough and who can blame them. Here lies our first insight into the pre-war stand-off – understanding and empathy.

How To Get Your Kids To Do Their Homework Without A Battle

Ann's Tips For Encouraging Kids To Do Their Homework

Two girls working together

Image Credit: svklimkin

For some children homework will never be something they enthuse about but with a little understanding and a structured approach all out war can be avoided.

Remember, breathe deeply, stay calm, be interested and in the words of Winston Churchill – “never, never, never give up”!

© Ann Beck 2011 updated September 2021

About the Author: Ann Beck is a Parent Support Adviser and trained teacher of adults. She works with families, teens and young people to support them in challenging situations.

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