Whether you are a teacher conducting a teaching session about bullying, or maybe you are planning activities for Anti Bullying Week, Pink Shirt Day, Odd Socks Day or Anti Bullying Day,
You can make your lesson that bit more fun with these Anti- Bullying colouring pictures, which are free to print out. They are all in PDF format. These are free for use in all educational settings, community groups, playgroups etc.
These printables are not to be copied, reproduced, sold or distributed for commercial purposes without the prior permission of eParenting.
A simple colouring picture with a direct message.
Another clear and direct message that bullying is unacceptable.
Blowing Out Someone Else's Candle Doesn't Make Yours Burn Any Brighter
If you are looking for more printables here are some easy and hard anti-bullying wordsearches suitable for for Anti -Bullying Week, Odd Socks Day, Anti Bullying Day or Pink Shirt Day.