Easter Day 2024 is on Sunday 31st March 2024.
If you are looking for all sorts of Easter fun activities to keep the kids busy during the Easter break, here is Easter colouring, books, gifts, movies and some absolutely terrible Easter jokes!
Your ultimate Easter bucket list with tons of ideas for Easter themed fun activities and fun things to make and do in the Easter holidays.
Chocolate-Free Easter Gift Ideas
Do you want to save your kids teeth this Easter?! Here are some tooth-friendly Easter gift ideas for kids - chicks, eggs, bunnies and spring!
Easter themed baby name ideas for boys and girls, perfect for all spring babies.
Free Printable Easter Colouring Bookmarks
Keep all your Easter reading in order with these fun free printable bookmarks that you can colour in to make them unique.
Things to Do in the Easter Holidays
There are lots of special events planned all over the UK for the school Easter holidays and for the Easter weekend. So here are lots of ideas for things to do and places to go for Easter 2024.
Free Easter Online Games For Kids
The best Easter online games and activities for kids, with both fun and educational Easter games.
Get colouring with our Easter themed free printable colouring pictures.
Happy Easter Egg Colouring Picture
Why should the kids have all the fun? - Here is an Easter colouring picture for the grown-ups (or older children) to have a go at.
Easter Fun Facts and Terrible Jokes
Fun facts and trivia about the celebration of Easter, plus some truly groanworthy Easter Jokes.
10 Rabbit themed books for kids of all ages that would make brilliant alternative Easter gifts. Hop to it!
Easter Printable Wordsearch & Anagrams
Get your brain working with Easter wordsearches, word scrambles and more
10 Books About Rabbits for Children
10 Classic childrens books about rabbits, perfect for Easter - or any time!
10 Bunny Movies for Easter (or any time!)
A serious analysis of the role of rabbits in cinema...nah, it's just our bunny favourites!
From classics to great new movies, is your favourite here?
Good Friday Printable Wordsearch
A free printable wordsearch about Good Friday.