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August 2025 Events Celebrations & Special Days

August 2025 Events Celebrations & Special Days

Events, celebrations, awareness events, saint's days, annual campaigns, major sporting events - UK and global festivities happening in August 2025.

It's high summer, and August is the month when we celebrate Yorkshire Day, Sea Serpent Day and World Infinity Day.

Here are the key dates and events happening this August in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as around the world.

August 2025 Events Celebrations & Special Days

Yorkshire Day

1st Aug 2025

Celebrated on 1st August each year to promote the historic English county of Yorkshire. Celebrations are held in a different Yorkshire town each year, where a declaration of integrity is read out, defining who may call themselves a Yorkshireman or woman.


International Owl Awareness Day

4th Aug 2025

International Owl Awareness Day aims to celebrate one of the most iconic bird species and raise awareness to their plight in the wild and what we can all do to help protect them.


Sea Serpent Day

7th Aug 2025

A day to ponder on the myth of sea serpents. A sea serpent or sea dragon is a type of dragon sea monster described in various mythologies across the ancient world including Mesopotamian, Greek, Judaeo-Christian and Norse mythology.

International Cat Day

8th Aug 2025

Organised by the International Fund for Animal Welfare, this is a day to think about your furry friend and appreciate everything you love about them.


Cat Wordsearch

Universal & International Infinity Day

8th Aug 2025

Held on the 8th day of the 8th month of each year to celebrate and promote Philosophy and Philosophizing for the ordinary person.


Rice Pudding Day

9th Aug 2025

Yes, this really is a thing. All you have to do is to eat some rice pudding today. Enjoy!

World Lion Day

10th Aug 2025

Founded by Big Cat Rescue to highlight the importance of the lion globally and to raise lion conservation awareness worldwide.


World Elephant Day

12th Aug 2025

A day to bring attention to the urgent plight of Asian and African elephants. World Elephant Day asks you to experience elephants in non-exploitive and sustainable environments where elephants can thrive under care and protection.


UK Baby Freebies

International Youth Day

12th Aug 2025

International Youth Day brings youth issues to the attention of the international community and celebrates the potential of youth as partners in today's global society.

Left Handers Day

13th Aug 2025

Your chance to tell your family and friends how proud you are of being left-handed, and also to raise awareness of the everyday issues that lefties face in a world designed for right-handers.


World Lizard Day

14th Aug 2025

A special day for lizard enthusiasts to share their interest with the world. There are 6,000 species of lizards in the world, and they have been around for more than 250 million years.

Granny Square Day

15th Aug 2025

In this online celebration of crochet and in particular the granny square, a square that can be as simple or as complex as you like. Granny squares can be sewn together to make blankets or clothing and can be made as large or small as you like.

Knitting and Crocheting Squares For Charity


VJ Day 80

15th Aug 2025

The 80th anniversary of VJ Day, marking both the surrender of Japan and the end of the Second World War.

International Orangutan Day

19th Aug 2025

An awareness day for orangutangs around the world, some of which are facing extinction within the next two decades. Their habitat is threatened by the illegal pet trade and deforestation from the palm oil industry.

World Photography Day

19th Aug 2025

World Photography Day is an international photography event on August 19th that celebrates the passion for photography in our communities.


Summer Bank Holiday

25th Aug 2025

Today is the last bank holiday in England and Wales before Christmas. It marks the end of the summer holidays for school children and is the weekend when the famous Notting Hill Carnival takes place.

How To Make A Carnival Mask

International Dog Day

26th Aug 2025

A day to celebrate man's best friend. The day intends to highlight the condition of dogs and to encourage the adoption of dogs from shelters.


Dog Wordsearches

International Bat Night

30th Aug to 31st Aug 2025

A night to celebrate bats and learn about the way bats live and their needs with presentations, exhibitions and bat walks. It is also a chance to go out and look for bats in their natural habitat.


Bat Wordsearch Printable

Here are some more important events that are coming soon.

<<< Events in July      Events in September >>>

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