A complete month-by-month calendar of annual events including holidays, celebrations, festivals, religious occasions, special days, awareness days, weeks and months as well as special one-off events, UK and global festivities and historical commemorations.
If you are looking for the dates of UK and international events for the next 12 months, we've got all the upcoming events, seasonal celebrations, commemorations and festivals for 2025 and 2026.
Updated regularly.
As winter comes to an end, February is the month for the UK Half Term holidays, World Nutella Day, Groundhog Day and St. Valentine's Day.
Spring is finally here and we celebrate St. David's Day, St. Patrick's Day, World Book Day and at the end of the month British Summer Time begins.
April starts with jokes and pranks, and then we go on to celebrate Earth Day, St. George's Day and Penguin Day. We also celebrate Britain's greatest playwright, William Shakespeare on the anniversary of his birth and death, 23rd April
Spring is in full swing, and in May we celebrate May Day, UK schools break up for half term and we can tuck into a tasty treat for World Biscuit Day!
Summer is here, the days are getting longer, and June is the month when we celebrate Father's Day, World Oceans Day and World Giraffe Day.
July is here and the schools are breaking up for the summer We celebrate Canada Day, American Independance Day and Harry Potter's Birthday.
It's high summer, and August is the month when we celebrate Yorkshire Day, Sea Serpent Day and World Infinity Day.
Autumn is approaching and it's Back to School time. September is the month when we celebrate Harvest Festival, and Tolkien fans can celebrate Hobbit Day.
October is the month when we celebrate Halloween and have a break from school for October Half Term, celebrate Black History Month and get creative with the the Big Draw Festival.
November is the month of both solemn events - Rememberance Day - and joyous celebrations of Diwali and the irreverent Guy Fawkes Night.
It's the final month of the year, and in December we look forward to Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa as well as looking ahead to next year on New Year's Eve.
Happy New Year! January is the month when we celebrate a new year, Burn's Night, Martin Luther King Day and Winnie The Pooh Day.