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10 Childrens Books About Amazing, Strong and Brilliant Women

Books about strong women.

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Greta. Marie. Ida. Malala. Rosa.

What do all these names have in common? They are all the names of women across the world who have done extraordinary things.

10 Childrens Books About Amazing, Brilliant and Inspirational Women

If you would like your kids to learn more about amazing, brave and inspirational women, here are some brilliant books which tell the story of these women.

Greta and the Giants

Greta Thunburg leads a worldwide campaign to save the environment

Malala's Magic Pencil

Nobel Peace prizewinner Malala Yousafzai is a campaigner for girls right to be educated around the world.

Ada Lovelace: The Fantastically Feminist (and Totally True) Story of the Mathematician Extraordinaire

How one Victorian woman became a mathematician, engineer and the world's first computer programmer.

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Marie Curie

The French female scientist who studies in radiation lead to the use of X-rays.

I am Rosa Parks

The African American woman who's defiant stand brought the end to segregation in the USA.

Florence Nightingale

Derby-born Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern Nursing who introduced care practices that still remain today.

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was a star aviator who was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic solo.


Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst lead the movement to get the vote for British women.

Frida Khalo

Mexican artist Frida Khalo overcame disabilty to become a great artist.

The Extraordinary Life of Mary Seacole

Secole nursed soldiers and ran a "British Hotel" in the Crimean war, having travelled to the war zone independantly.

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